Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Pirates and Ghosts

Pirates and Ghosts

I do not know where to begin, or end,
everything in between seems lost somehow.
Tangled in a forest of blue,
I too am lost.
It took me days to pick up a pen,
I dropped it next to my heart,
and kneeling down, I found I had to start again.

Left to look into the open spaces,
seeing only visions of Phantoms,
knowing somehow that this haunting,
will always leave me empty.
Gaps in my life, vacuums,
sucking me in, when I recall your jealous kiss.
A kiss, that made my heart weak.
Your smile, the endless vivacity,
your guile, the envy of all to see.
The way you tasted; Peaches in summer.
Your fragrance of sweet magnolia.

Supping at the table of my soul,
filling that hole,
the hollow in my heart,
the 4am silence,
the inverse space,
in the remnants of that place.

A shadow world that has lost its Sun,
growing ever colder in the distance.

I tried to find the moment of our passing,
but it happened in frames.
Snapshots of carelessness and conceit;
Fears of jealously and deceit.
In the end we were killed by ghosts.
Phantoms haunting the present,
jealously guarding their soulful hoard;
Pirates stuffing our hearts into their chests,
buried in the depths,
The Jolly Roger hoisted,
over the remnants of our love.

...and still I sing, in the quiet of that night:

'I will not give up,
this Love I will defend,
I will not give in,
True Love knows no end.
Love conquers all.'

 © Richard Michael Parker 2010

Artwork by Peggi Meyer Graminski

1 comment:

  1. This beautiful work of art was created by Peggi Meyer Graminski specifically for this poem, the collaboration is a journey that has spanned the good part of a year, and i am humbled by the results. Thank you Peggi for your subtle and delicate hand, and your sublime artistic eye.So beautiful a collaboration scarcely seemed conceivable and i will forever be humbled and always grateful for the grace of your soulful creation.

    More of Peggi's sublime Art can be viewed @: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ajoyfulstudio

    I would ask that you respect the copyright of the artist and not copy or reproduce this work in any manner at all without the prior consent of the artist, thank you.
