Tuesday 5 October 2010

Only Words

Only Words

What does it matter what i write
they are only words
and words cannot bring my love back
they cannot hold her hand
or caress her cheek
enfold her in the sultry airs of an endless night
or swing in a gentle breeze
they cannot sit across from her
laugh or break bread
or stare into her sea green eyes
with wonder and surprise
they feel nothing of this loss
when i held her hand gently in my own
stroking each finger
each tip
they cannot hurt when she raged
or feel the joy at being in her arms
or see her blush in the morning.
as these tears fall in endless streams
what will words do with the seas i fill?
what does it matter what i write
they are only words
and words will not bring my love back.

© Richard Michael Parker 2010 

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