Monday 19 July 2010

A Cautionary Tale

A Cautionary Tale

A cautionary tale,
of Loves beguiling ways,
not set in golden times,
but resounds in future days,
where men believed themselves,
beyond the pale of Gods,
and sought to prick,
then poke and jest,
careless of the odds;

As ever in the tune of men,
such pride did sound aloud,
and echoed out a battle cry,
for powers disavowed,
the fortunes of the heralds torch,
was silently returned,
and doused in haughty revelry,
this peace it now was burned;

The messenger was sought on high,
from realms set far aside,
delivering up such terms,
as to quash this hurtful pride;
a gift from each to help this quest,
was rendered unto he,
then off he sped on winged feet,
with heartfelt entreaty;

He landed in a pit,
the Vipers tongue's did sting,
that mangled bitter soul cast down,
in endless wandering,
those early days beset to test,
the brittleness of soul,
but always in his deepest heart,
he cosseted the goal;

A passion pot in fiery hearth,
was buried in a sleep,
a slumber in a mantle hard,
whilst angels wail and weep,
until at last in pleasant days,
awoken to his task,
he stretched his arms,
and rose within,
uncovering his mask;

But all was not as it would seem,
above this nestled calm,
for powers yet untold, unseen,
rankled without qualm,
For Love had vanquished many men,
and set their hearts ablaze,
then set aside in fitful state,
Her deft beguiling ways;

She was bemused,
and sent her own dear messenger abroad,
to silently reprove her host,
and more, convince her Lord,
That she not he,
should herald dawns of newly transpired grace,
and help these fledgling little souls,
so called the Human Race;

And so it was throughout this life,
both messengers did vie,
and fought a fateful joust,
whilst all above did cry,
until at last hermetically,
the fight was called to halt,
the arrows ceased their fateful track,
the feet their winged jolt;

Beloved Psyche stepped between,
these two consorting towers,
reproaching each,
for all the reckless wanton wasted hours,
and offered up as supplicant,
to those that viewed above,
a truce between each messenger,
regaling both with Love;

"What good it does my long lost kin,
when Gods do fight this bout,
and send there awful rancorous din,
amongst those lost in doubt,
we ask that they do grow in spirit,
born of divine grace,
and yet we show them only,
mighty torment in our face"

"I ask that you do set aside,
this anger and dis-ease,
and think upon those words writ large,
in ancient times that please,
that always it has been the truth,
like parents born to raise,
that children's health and welfare,
overrules self-serving ways"

"'The Message trumps the Messenger'!,
in every single way,
so heed my plea i do beseech,
and Humbly do pray"
The words they cut them to the quick,
unfolding all their ties,
and travelled upon zephyrs wings,
into transcendent skies;

On hearing this appeal,
the holy council met,
and made a resolution,
that none would soon forget,
Both Messengers would stay the course,
and twined would cast about,
this consort of divinity,
would get the message out;

So as you grow do not forget,
this cautionary tale,
do not dismiss Eros, or Love,
or else your task may fail,
and squandered upon fateful rocks,
your well thought out device,
may fight immortal foes within,
- without, some lonesome vice;

A balance can be struck in time,
to settle all these woes,
and freely entertain each part,
in which your future grows,
so do not play a power game,
lest you be found alone,
for in the end we all will reap,
the very seeds we've sown:

© Richard Michael Parker 2009 

1 comment:

RMP said...

Hermes,Psyche and Eros/Fresque de Baudry - Rotonde - Château de Chantilly - Photographer Sarah Sergent.