Sunday 18 November 2012



Today I grasped a truth
it floated down through my sky
and settled upon my heart
it spoke in whispers and quiet tides
and as it spoke my heart leapt
not in pride, but in recognition
for I remembered what I had forgotten
and forgetting, had wandered blind;
It opened my eyes, effortlessly
and I saw the world again, anew.
It is strange how people come into your life
have the most remarkable effect
fill you with hope, with dreams, with imaginings
with remembrance, a touchpaper of intimacy,
soulfully sparking the tinder,
and all that is asked is that you put aside
all expectation, all pride, and simply remember,
what it was that you had lost inside.
You are like this to me, i do not grasp you
and yet i see, clearly through crystal eyes
a higher soul of clarity, of lives designed.
Where you came from and why, I am not sure
I only know that this communion of souls
makes of us both, something more...
greater than we might have been alone,
it hardly seems fathomable, and yet,
from out the yielding stone, a new heart beats.
Everything seems possible, probable, likely...
I looked at the world, again,
and found that all the hard questions,
had simple answers, where only days ago,
there were incalculable riddles, woven in a mystery,
today, all those doubts seem only ancient history.
I realized, all the answers I had looked for,
all the patience, and time, all the effort
to steady the ship, ready the sails,
wait upon the wind,
had been worth more than all the gold
I could ever have accrued, bought or sold.
Days, weeks, years, left in passing;
Incredible pain, born of solemnity and loneliness,
the craft we are forced to sail upon, to that isle,
where wisdom sits upon her lonesome throne, all alone.
I would not have traded a single moment,
for now, as the fire stokes the hearth,
and sets the engine raging,
the bilge crushing the waves once more,
I stand upon an open deck,
having sailed these seas a thousand times before,
somnolent nights, adrift in a reckless ocean,
the whirling maelstrom, tossed in a tempest of emotion.
Here, in this calm sea, no panic besets me, only faith,
and a knowledge, sound judgment born of a roiling love.
The course is charted,
your hand has held my own upon the tiller.
I see, works, children by the million laughing,
singing, drinking, and running free.
I see, the entire world liberated from some stark monstrosity;
Broken chains, that shackle token minds,
cast into the flames, with the harbingers of these times.
The confluential moments, of great happenstance,
souls that forge resolve in each others becoming.
I have your back, you have mine,
we know we have waited an interminable time,
but in the waiting we have both grown strong,
and pinioned our souls, in love we cannot go wrong.
Charity, born of love, the gift we bear,
to turn the open waters we hold within our hearts,
out into the world, into the hands of children,
unborn and undeserving of the fickleness of fate,
an answer born between us, still, its not too late.
I realized today, waiting,
as i have always waited, waited the longest time,
and waiting has been the hardest line,
the toughest task of all, waiting,
watching the winds, the tides, the times,
turn one to another,
waiting for the moment of greatest receptivity,
the moment that ears are turned out,
eyes watch, cast into doubt, Waiting.
Only when eyes and ears are open
will sounds and sights appropriate to the hoping,
delight the soul. Waiting...
The wasted hours, not wasted at all...
Constructing channels through which love
could seep between the walls, the doors, the towers
erected in this bastion of light,
I realized, waiting... that i wait no more.
You touched the essential core of me,
and I have waited for the calling,
for though you realize, or do not,
what it was, and how you touch me,
whether you see or do not, I see...
I see how you come honestly with your heart,
your mind a searing flame, tempered in loves name,
I see, the higher soul in you, free,
and I have waited, for you to touch me...
one unsullied soul, in a moment of transcendent purity.
I do not worship you, though I adore your soul and heart,
I have known you from the start,
I know you are frail, and strong,
quixotic, and can be wrong,
you have your great imperilled beliefs,
and tremble like a child sometimes,
your courage and fortitude in the silent hour,
stolen from out the night like a thief.
Yet you have persevered,
and your courage emboldens my heart,
revivifies the tree, the barren branches
that have lain sallow and broken upon the hill,
bursting into life once more, aromatic blossom,
fruit for all the world to pluck, to satiate the riven hunger.
Children, a home, a love, a life, all these too...
Everything is possible with you,
and yet I cannot ask more than you can give,
for freedom is the gift we bare for one other,
together, to share, amongst the multitude.
Strong, practical, wise, and transcendent...
No lies will sit between us, open eyes, and ears to hear,
the flooding heart that courses through each soul,
a stream from out a star, a vision we have both known.
A world made green, clean again,
prosperous in full flourishing...
the shackles shattered,
greed left tattered in the trash.
I grasped a truth today, and saw it in your eyes,
we smiled, and knew there was a better way,
these souls we have connected,
make us both a little wise... It is time.
Let us love, in all the ways we have learn't,
encouraged and emboldened,
the salve of loves emollient,
eased upon these hearts that we have burnt,
and turn that out, so that all may sup,
upon the loving cup, the overflow,
of all we have become to one another.
I grasped a truth today,
and wait no more...

© Richard Michael Parker 2012

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