Thursday, 3 January 2013



Unfurling winglets,
soft and moist,
like petals born upon a budding rose,
open and close in their own time,
the rhythm and rhyme of natures subtle filigree,
caught within the wind of all that is to be.
Dry upon this summers sun,
cocooned depths, a rebirth in little steps,
delicately opening to a warmer light,
the gentle breeze of a transmogrified delight.
Slipping between the gossamer chords,
a rhapsody of transcendence,
fleeting moments of remembrance,
cast into a nimble aperture of becoming,
delicately aroused from this brief sleep,
the butterfly born from out the deep.

© Richard Michael Parker 2012

Artwork: Jaanika Talts

1 comment:

RMP said...

Once again, My consummate thanks to Jaanika Talts for her sublime artwork. Truly a delicious collaboration, and i would urge others to go to, or follow the link above, for a better appreciation of this wondrous artists work.

I would ask that you respect the copyright of the artist and not copy, transmit or reproduce this artwork in any way, without the prior approval of the artist, thank you.